Post by Soul-Divider on Mar 5, 2007 23:35:18 GMT
I made this sometime ago, not long after the Back to top and Link to post things appeared. Since it seems a logical place to put this. I just didn't get round to submitting this. Anyway:
Preview - Just look at any post (the one in the lower right of a post. Since I still have an older version in the miniprofile area)
Litterally adds a link to the afforementioned links in everyone's posts. I've made it so guests can't see it since they can't send the PM anyway. Edit as instructed
Global Footer
EDIT: It's cross-browser ofcourse
Preview - Just look at any post (the one in the lower right of a post. Since I still have an older version in the miniprofile area)
Litterally adds a link to the afforementioned links in everyone's posts. I've made it so guests can't see it since they can't send the PM anyway. Edit as instructed
Global Footer
/*Report to Staff.
Written by Soul-Divider.
This code must not be reposted or modified in any way without my permission.
This statement must not be removed.*/
var rName="Report to Staff" //Name of the link
var rSubject="Reporting User" //Title of the PM
var rMessage="I am reporting this user for misconduct in the following thread: " //Opening Line of the PM
var rUser="admin" //Who recieves it (seperate by comma)
//No need to change below
var URLtext = escape(location.href);
URLtext = URLtext.replace(/&/g,"%26");
URLtext = URLtext.replace(/@/g,"%40");
URLtext = URLtext.replace(/\//g,"%2F");
URLtext = URLtext.replace(/\?/g,"%3F");
URLtext = URLtext.replace(/=/g,"%3D");
var rLocation = URLtext ;
var rFont=document.getElementsByTagName("font");
if(rFont[i].innerHTML.match(/\>Back to Top\<\/a\>/i)){
rFont[i].innerHTML = rFont[i].innerHTML.replace(/Top\<\/a\>\ \;/i, 'Top</a>')
rFont[i].innerHTML+='- <a href="/index.cgi?action=pmsend&to='+rUser+'&subject='+ rSubject +'&message=' + rMessage + rLocation + '">'+rName+'</a> '
EDIT: It's cross-browser ofcourse